Watercolor, for a commission. I'm very pleased with how this turned out, and I'm officially calling Operation Re-learn Watercolors a success. Before this summer it'd been a solid ten years since I'd touched them, but I was starting to feel like I needed a bit of a break from working digitally.
I still feel the urge to hit save or ctrl+z, because that is necessary/will totally work when using real art supplies.
Oh and incidentally, the commission was specifically for "a watercolor showing the architecture of Over the Rhine". I mention this because of all of the art criticism I've read over the years that goes on and on about the deep symbolic reasons that the artist was thinking of for X compositional choice. Let me tell you, I took about 100 photos for this project, and I picked this shot because it had the fewest fire escapes or trees, while still involving more than one building. I suspect that the ancient artists of yore were just as lazy as I am.